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Its All About Money Making and Tips With Some Tricks

How to Maximize Your AdSense Income With High Paying Adsense Words

Author: fred eff
How To Increase Your AdSense Income With High Paying Adsense Words

If your goal is to increase your AdSense you have to use high paying adsense words to maximize your income. There are 2 ways to find high paying adsense words; you can buy an inventory of the best paying AdSense words, or you can do your own research to find them. Following is the data you want to build your own list of high paying adsense words.

The amount that AdSense pays you is predicated on the amount of cash that advertisers are will to pay (on a cost per click, CPC, basis ). And the way it works is extremely straightforward ; the bigger the CPC, the more you will earn with the more you will increase your AdSense income.
The number of bidders : If there are zero bidders on a particular keyword, even though the word has a high average CPC cost, you will not make any cash from that word. Look for words that have moderate to high advertiser competition. This guarantees that your Google advertisements will be shown and will get clicks that make you money.

The words you choose must have tons of conjectured clicks. Though it is only an estimate, it can give you some idea of the amount of people that are doing searches based on this term. Duck keywords with a low number of guessed bidders.

Make sure your site or blog concentrates on a single theme related to your keywords. Use separate pages for each keyword. If your website contains 10 pages, you can place a total of 30 AdSense ads on your site, versus just 3 adverts for a single paged web site. Glaringly , Your high paying adsense words will generate much more AdSense Revenue with thirty adverts than it will with just 3 ads.

The traffic guesstimate is very important because these are terms that folk are essentially looking for.

You Can purchase my newest high paying adsense words that contains 4800 of the highest paying AdSense words paying from $10 to $70 per click. Get it at Increase Your AdSense Income!

Article Source:

About the Author: You can buy my newest High Paying AdSense words list that contains 4800 of the best AdSense words paying from $10 to $70 per click. Get it at


posted by - ReSh - @ 11:30 AM, ,

Your Online Business Needs An Affiliate Program

If you have recently started an online business, you are no doubt facing the difficult task of trying to promote your website without sufficient capital to do much advertising. It is a catch-22; you need to spend a lot of money on advertising to launch an internet business so that you can make some money, but you need to make some money so that you actually have some dollars to spend on advertising.

To get money for advertising, you could take on a business partner who is willing to fund the company to get your marketing campaign going, or perhaps you could turn to venture capital to get started. However, unless you already have a lot of solid business contacts, raising money for an internet startup can be almost impossible.

So, what should you do? The solution to all your marketing problems might be an affiliate program. With an affiliate program, anyone who has a website can post an advertisement for your business on their website in the form of a banner or a text link. If someone clicks on that banner or text link and subsequently buys your product or service, you have to pay that affiliate a commission on the sale.

The reason why this is such an excellent marketing strategy is because an affiliate program costs you nothing. You do not have to pay to place your affiliate banner or text link on other websites because you are offering those other website owners a commission on every referral they make, but only if that referral produces a sale.

Not only does having an affiliate program give you an opportunity to make a tremendous amount of sales without spending money on advertising, but it also increases the number of inbound links to your website. The more links to your site, the higher your search engine ranking will be. So, a surge in your link popularity and an additional increase in sales resulting from an improved search engine ranking is a fabulous byproduct of having a popular affiliate program.

Now, you need to learn how to create an affiliate program and how to promote it. To create an affiliate program, you will either need to hire a web designer or programmer who has experience creating these sorts of programs, because they are not easy to set up. The job requires a lot of backend programming work, database creation, and payment tracking so that the referrals and sales that each affiliate produces can be tracked with a special code that is signed to each individual affiliate.

To promote your program, you will need to post ads for it on as many online affiliate directories as you can find. Some of these directories will charge you a small annual fee to be listed, others will allow you to list your program for free. There are literally hundreds or even thousands of different online directories where you can add your listing. The more listings you can create, the more affiliates you can potentially acquire.

I hope this information helps you get your online business off to a good start. The affiliates you recruit into your program are almost like your employees, they are doing your advertising work for you, and it does not cost you anything unless they make a sale. All those websites will be representing you, sort of like a commissioned salesperson. Just make sure you hire a competent web designer to do the programming work, because if there are any difficulties with tracking sales to your individual affiliates, you will have a huge mess on your hands.


posted by - ReSh - @ 11:01 AM, ,

Your Identity - Picking A Domain Name To Register

Perhaps the most poignant scene in Arthur Miller's play The Crucible happens at the end when the protagonist, John Proctor, refuses to sign his name on a false confession. When asked why he refuses to sign the document, even though it could save his life he cries out in anguish, "Because it is my name. It is the only name I will ever have." It is a heartfelt and stunning reminder that our identity begins at birth when our parents name us. A web site also depends on its name, which is why choosing a domain name that best represents your site and its purpose is something to be done very carefully indeed.

Choose the right name

When you are ready to start a web site don't just run to the first registry you can find and type in the first thing you think of. Sit down and do some research about your site and what you hope it will accomplish. What is the goal of your site? What kind of images do you want customers to associate with it? If you could sum up your site in one word, what would that word be? The best domain names tend to be names that are short and easy to remember and something to do with the topic or service your web site provides. If you are going to attempt humor with your domain name, make sure it's a joke that not just you can understand. Overall, the name should add to the quality of your web site not distract from it.

Check availability

As you're picking a name for your web site, one of the common things to happen is you find the absolutely most perfect name possible, go to the registry and type in the name in the lookup box and lo and behold - its already taken. Then you have a problem. You're already sold on the idea, and now it's not workable. Make sure to have a lookup box from the registry available as you are choosing the name for your domain site so you can check availability instantly. You should also check names that are similar to the domain name you are choosing to make sure there won't be confusion later on in and your advertising doesn't accidentally send your customer to someone else's site.

Pick the right extension

Many registrars will also let you choose the extension along with your domain name. That means that you get to choose whether your domain name will be or .net .biz or any of the other approved for public use extension names. Be sure to pick one that does not mislead your customers or clientele. If you're really selling something, choosing an .org which is largely for nonprofit organizations or a .net which is for social networking, may seem like a brilliant way to get people to your site. However, customers know when they've been conned and it tends to backfire on the business. Choose the proper extension for what you're doing and let your site's integrity sell itself.

What's in a name? Everything. Careful and thoughtful picking and use of the name for your web site will help keep your enterprise on the top of its game.


posted by - ReSh - @ 11:00 AM, ,

Your Guide to Making Money with Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is something that many webmasters know how to do. They know what it is about, and what it takes to be successful. However, if you are new to the webmaster world, you may just be wondering how you can get into affiliate marketing and making an income on the side for yourself. Doing so is not that complicated, and we have created this guide to get you started.

First of all, lets cover just exactly what affiliate marketing is. Affiliate marketing is when you sell or get leads for someone else's service or product. You are going to find that there are so many people that do this. When a company needs some help making sales, and they allow people to sign up as affiliates, they are willing to pay a commission or a flat rate per lead or sale. Depending on the company, this percentage or flat rate will vary.

Affiliate marketing can be used to make a decent income several ways. You can use a website, a blog, newsletter, email, ads etc. The list goes on and on. However, the most popular form of affiliate marketing is done with a website. When you choose the market that you want to promote, be sure that you choose one that you are some what familiar with. This way you can become an expert on the topic, and everyone will know that you are the king of that market. Once that is done, it is time for a URL. There are many places that you can get your own domain from. Once you have decided where you will purchase that from, choose a URL that has the topic you are selling in the URL for the best results. For example, if you are wanting to market cat food, you wont use a URL that has dog in it. Make sure that everything is all relevant.

Now that you have your market and your URL chosen, you will want to determine the hosting that you will use for your website. You need dependable hosting for the best results. A hosting company that has more up time than down time is best because during the down time, your website will not be accessible. So, get some recommendations from others that have tried a few and use the best that you can find. It is worth it to pay for good hosting.

Once that is done, you are ready to get your affiliate links and website set up so that you can market the most effectively. Determine the amount of money that you want to make, and set up an outline of how you are going to make it. There are so many ways that you can get a website out there to be seen, and you will want to make the best decisions. So, finding out the best ways for you to do this is that is cost effective is a good start.

Learning SEO which is also known as search engine optimization is a great idea. Using SEO to get your site higher in the search engine rankings with keywords will pay off in the end. You can learn it yourself, or you can pay someone to do this part for you. It is up to you. However, you should know that learning and using SEO yourself is time consuming. Hiring an SEO guru might be better for you.

Write articles about the market that you are promoting from your website and submit them to all of the article directories. When you include a back link to the site that you are optimizing that will help you as well with the search engines.

Affiliate marketing is not anything that you can make money with over night. You need to be able to build up and keep adding to your website daily or weekly, and keep it going. You can do it, just don't give up.


posted by - ReSh - @ 10:59 AM, ,

You Could Be Making Money Online If You Had Traffic

You have the affiliate marketing product you want to promote. You've built a great website to market your affiliate products. You've got some really effective, keyword rich content in place. Now all you need is those millions of targeted visitors to bring traffic to your website! Targeted Traffic = Making Money Online. It's as simple as that.

The amount of commission you will earn will rest on the amount of sales generated by you. You can't expect every visitor to your affiliate marketing site will make a purchase. So, the more visitors you have coming, the greater are your chances of converting them into customers who buy, making money online for you in turn. You can achieve this in many ways, and you can do it for free, or you can pay for it.

One of the most popular methods is article marketing, which is a super effective way of getting new people over to your affiliate marketing site. Other great methods are posting messages on forums, and starting a blog with useful information. These are all really great ways to increase your sites exposure.

Pay-per-click is most widely used to generate traffic on websites. You can have your affiliate marketing advertisement published by Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Marketing based on your keywords. You bid for keywords and then, your ad comes up on the side bar of the search results every time someone searches for that keyword. When the person who searches clicks on your affiliate marketing ad, you pay. That really is just a small price to pay because hopefully you are making money online by generating sales from those leads.

Now it is not mandatory that you use methods for which you must pay. Article writing is one of the best ways in affiliate marketing to generate traffic. Write keyword rich articles roughly about once a week, if not more. Make it related to the particular affiliate marketing products you are promoting. Add the link to your website in the author info or resource box and then submit them to the various article directories on the web. Every time someone reads or comes across your article, they will be able to come to your site through the link. More well written, keyword rich articles mean more visitors to your site, and the possibility to be making money online.

Forums are another excellent way to bring traffic to your affiliate marketing site. You can join any number of relevant forums on the Internet and post your messages on the related message boards. Put a link to your site at the end of your message as a signature so that people find it easy to visit your site when they visit the forum.

Start a blog site for free, and post useful information, including your affiliate link at the end of each message. Keep posting regularly and people will keep coming back regularly if you post quality content.

There are many more ways to get more traffic to your site, but this touches on some of the best and easiest methods used in affiliate marketing as well as many other types of businesses. Trying one or more of these methods will help you in making money online by letting new people find you on the enormous world wide web.


posted by - ReSh - @ 10:57 AM, ,

Your Guide For Blog Marketing, How To Use Blogs To Make Money Online

Blogs also known as web logs are the latest thing on the internet. With there being so many blogs out there in cyber world, how do you make yours known and get people to read it. How do you have the most often read blog on the market that you are promoting? Because there are so many people that are trying to all accomplish the same thing, how are you going to stand out?

There are several things that you can do to make your blog marketing a success, and we are going to cover some of them right here. The first thing that you should know is that you should have your blog URL pointing to your market. For example, if you are trying to promote and sell sunglasses from your blog, you want your URL to say Doing so will give you an extra advantage.

The next step would be to customize your blog. Rather than having the same old blog interface like everyone else has, make your unique and interesting to look at. This will also help anyone from getting your blog confused with others that look just like it. There are so many types of blog software on the market that having your own look should not be that difficult to accomplish.

Keyword research is another very important part of blog marketing. If you are not using the keywords that people search on, then chances are no one is going to find your blog. Have a variety of keywords in your blog as well. Not just the same one over and over. Not everyone just uses the term 'sunglasses' when they are searching for shades to keep the sun out of their eyes. Keyword research is an important factor to remember.

Using SEO on your blog, which stands for search engine optimization is a great idea as well. SEO will help get your blog out there and read, and will also help you get a better ranking with Google. Being as high as you can be in the Google search engine results is something that you want.

Find other sites and blogs that are in the same market as yours, but not in direct competition with you to exchange links with. This will help you out a lot as well, especially if you can get some good exchanges with high authority sites. The higher the page rank of your link exchange, the better for your blog.

Many people do not realize this, but having a different title tag in the HTML code on each page makes a big difference. If you have given the first page on your blog the title of 'sunglasses', you need to be sure that none of your other pages are named this. Doing so will make Google think that you are spamming that keyword, and that will result in them punishing your blog URL.

Once you have done your keyword research, you will want to write content based on the research you have done. Using one or two keywords, make entries into your blog using the keywords will make it easy for your blog to be indexed under those terms. That will also result in people searching on those particular terms able to find your blog.

Pinging your blog frequently is another good way to get your blog seen. Every time that you update it, use the ping tools to ping it. This will let all of the blog directories know that you have added something new to your blog. This also brings you in some more traffic.

Blog marketing is pretty much the same as website marketing. However, if you have never had a website, and are not familiar with marketing these great tips will help you get started. Be sure that you put new entries into your blog on a regular basis as well. This will help keep you up to date and current and also will keep your readers coming back for more.


posted by - ReSh - @ 10:57 AM, ,

You Can Write Powerful Copy!

But how do you write this powerful copy (words which will sell your product), if you are not a copywriter?

Here are some basic guidelines:

Communicate directly to your readers, by writing as if you were talking to them. Correct grammar is not the most important issue - being understood is.

Don't be frightened to use large headings that are witty and eye-catching - newspapers and magazines make good research places for getting to grips with powerful headings.

Grab Your Readers' Attention

In the very first sentence! If you don't you may lose them. We live at a fast pace. Concentration is not high on our priority list. Just look at the designs of many of the popular magazines and you can see that short, snappy articles, interlaced with plenty of pictures, are the normal layout. Pick up any Dorling Kindersley book and see how they have revolutionised learning from books with their layouts.

Make what you have to say exciting and interesting.

Word Choices

Choose your words carefully. Be aware of the sound words make. For instance, let's suppose you want to inject some humour into your text, certain words are funnier than others. An example of this is one of Beryl Reid's lines when she was doing a routine, knocking her girlfriend, Deirdre. She'd say, "Deirdre says her complexion is sallow, I call it yellow, what with her yellow face and her little black eyes, she looks like a small portion of prunes and custard!"

This dialogue wouldn't have half the punch if Beryl had chosen to use apricots and custard, instead of prunes and custard, because prunes is a funny word and apricots isn't.

Another classic technique for working out a punch line is to use alliteration. Example: 'I bet he's bonking some bimbo in the back seat! (Much funnier than, 'I'm certain he's having sex with some girl in the rear of the car.' It means the same, but it certainly does not have the same impact.)

So if you're stuck for a powerful headline or a business/company motto, then try alliteration.

Emotive Text

Stories or headings that appeal to our emotions and trigger fond memories, are powerful selling allies. For many people, life today is too stressful. We are bombarded from all sides, with calls on our mobiles at any time of day or night, emails to check, forms to fill in and too many rules to live by imposed on us by unworkable politics.

Any references to (say) the 60's, conjures up images of much simpler, relaxed fun-filled days. It's not important that the era was not perfect - no era is - or that they didn't reap the benefits of the incredible technology of mobiles or the Internet.

Text which is geared towards family life, is also a powerful marketing tool, simply because the world can be a very frightening place, and the throw away society (which includes throwing away relationships) is taking a swing towards a desire for more stability through lasting relationships.

The Reason for Copywriting

The only reason you're creating strong headlines and text is to sell a service, your ideas or products. So, if you want to write great copy, make sure it will produce the desired result of increased profit. Decide on the mood and pace that will initiate the highest sales in your particular marketplace.

Don't forget to actually ask for the outcome you want! Sounds simple I know, but its amazing how many people forget to actually ask the person on the other end of the communication to take some action.

If you have no desire to write your own copy, then there is the option of employing a copywriter on a freelance basis as and when you need copy, or you could take on a marketing person as an employee if the volume of work is sufficient.


posted by - ReSh - @ 10:53 AM, ,

Writing Tips And Suggestions

Speaking of writing, the ability to write well does NOT come naturally to most of us! As an affiliate and internet marketer, one of your main jobs is to write, no matter it is in the format of write a post, ads, newsletter or product reviews.

Writing can help you strengthen your communication with audiences, readers and generate the traffic to your business. However, to write well is a big task and challenge!

Following are some suggestions and tips that I use each time when I do my writing, hope you find it helpful.

1. Writing Purpose And Reasons

Before you start to write in any format, ask yourself these following questions:

-. Who are your targeted readers?

-. Where are they?

-. Why should they read your writings?

-. What special knowledge do you have that can help them?

-. How much do they already know?

-. What else do you need to find out?

It is important to get out answers toward to those above questions. You can set it as your benchmark. Based on that to build your credibility with your readers and gain respect from them; otherwise, you cannot help them.

2. Writing Methods Of Research

Regarding to the background material, except conduct research from internet; revisit some of your favorite manuals or textbooks to refresh the basics are another good method to use. To catch up with current trend, you also need to read recently published articles regards to your subject as well.

Come back to the web search method, when you using that, don't forget to include the world "problems" along with the name or description of your subject, this way can get you into user forums where you can discuss what are the problems people are concerning nowadays.

However, if you are participate on the open forums, you have to remember be honest, never try to write or give people advices on the things or subjects you do not know. That would destroy your credibility.

3. Write From Personal Experience

It will be better if you can write down the problems that you have faced, and the solutions you have found when you do your writing; it can help you establishes your credibility.

You can gain real knowledge power through experience as well as authority. Therefore, respect the semantic link between author and authority is necessary.

For example, anyone can slap together a fair article on dog training. There are more than 40 million web sites out there dedicated to this one subject, all you have to do is to skim through a few of them and then pick some thoughts.

However, if you are unable to structure your article around real anecdotes concerning dogs you have trained, if you have never train a dog and no experience on that, your words will ring hollow.

4. Write What You Know

"Write what you know" is the best way to go, write on what you actually know and back it up with doing some fresh research.

For instance, if you have ever worked as a dishwasher, for sure you know there is some difference between washing dishes in a restaurant and washing dishes in a cafeteria.

In a cafeteria, the panic is always over flatware when people are pressing into line for a quick lunch and cannot find any clean forks.

In a restaurant, on the other hand, the endless mountains of pots and pans from preparing many individual meals simultaneously kill dishwashers, because not all the cooks are able to get their used cookware back to the scullery, which can cause recurring crises for dishwashers, that's why they struggle with waves of encrusted pots.

Once you have this authentic background, you can write an article about laborsaving practices, or a short story about personality clashes behind those kitchen doors. I bet you - there are not many people know about it.

If you have babysitter experience, you can develop a great article about how to put children at ease before their parents leave and so forth.

So there is your call, do some research and write some stories of your own and test them.

Write from the strength of personal experience will lead you to what you need to write, and your experience can suggest you in terms of how to structure your writing for credibility.


posted by - ReSh - @ 10:52 AM, ,

Writing Marketing Articles for a Niche Market

One of the biggest benefits obtained from article marketing is that it enables us to write for niche markets. Niche markets are those small groups of people who cannot be classified easily, and cannot be easily accessed to.

Making a large-scale promotion of a website that only caters to a small group of people is a sheer waste of money and may not even reach the targeted people. For this reason, article marketing can be used to reach such niche markets.

Consider you have a website about high-end researches in the chemical field. Certainly you don't expect many people to read (or even understand) the stuff on your website. You have made this website only for a niche group of people who have an inclination for this subject, and could be potential customers on the site. It is pointless to advertise such a website on a very large scale, because you are only looking for a small focused market.

Let us see how and why article marketing helps reach out to niche audiences. First and foremost, the basis of article marketing is the articles you write for promotion. People who read these articles make up their minds whether your site will be worth visiting or not. Now this article can be as sophisticated as you want.

For attracting your niche market, you can write purely technical stuff that you are sure will create an impression on your audience that you know your subject. But make sure to use good keywords using keyword selector tools, so that the people you are hoping for will find and visit your website.

Even for products that have a small market, niche article marketing can be used. A good example for this is the market of classic paintings. Surely, there is no point making a huge promotion for such sites, since you know the common population would not be good buyers for the painting. You are catering to a small cream of the market who could buy your paintings, which will be quite assuredly priced high.

A string of good articles about paintings and art in modern times strategically uploaded on article directories, and filled with most-searched keywords will help you find your niche market. At the same time, it will also help the niche market find you. Now, you decide which of the two is the better thing to happen.

The beauty of article marketing is that you can make it as commonplace as you want or you can make it as niche and elitist as you want. It's just a simple matter of changing the style of your article. That's the reason why article marketing has grown to such a huge phenomenon in the world of website promotion today.


posted by - ReSh - @ 10:51 AM, ,

Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loan: Get Control Of Your Finances

Credit card debt consolidation loan has now emerged as an effective financial tool that can help you manage and pay off the nasty burden of huge debts. That is the reason why a massive number of plastic money users who are facing poor credit score and are caught in a strong debt-trap are looking for an effective debt consolidation program. If you are among those who are drowned in the deep ocean of debts, card debt consolidation loan can be a great help for you. It will help you renovate your finances in a better way.

Get Rid of The Rising Debts

Many people have a misconception that if they already have a huge burden of debts, no other financial institution will offer them loan or any such program to pay off their existing debts while regaining control of their finances. Well, as I said, this is just a misconception. You will be happy to know that now Credit card debt consolidation loan is easily available in the financial market to help you get rid of the heavy piles of debts. Various debt reduction programs have specifically been designed for those who find themselves unable to get out of the credit card dues trap. This loan and program comes in handy for those who have a bad credit rating.

The credit card debt consolidation companies only help you in managing your debts, but they make sure to put you in a position where you can comfortably pay off all your debts. Besides offering a loan, some debt consolidation companies also offer credit-counseling services. These credit-counseling services work in a way to educate you regarding how to manage your finances along with paying off all your debts. They also educate you how to avoid getting into debts in future. An important aspect of counseling is to help reduce your dependence on credit cards.

Overall, if you have caught yourself in a huge burden of debts, then a Credit card debt consolidation loan is an ideal answer for you. It can help you get out of the deep ocean of debts. Do a thorough research in order to find out a reliable debt management company. Do not forget to ask for a free debt consolidation quote before you proceed with their services. Once you find that the debt consolidation quote and the program offered suits best your debt and financial requirements, you can go ahead, entrust your case to them, take a sigh of relief, and get ready to become debt free.


posted by - ReSh - @ 10:49 AM, ,

Dare To Obtain A Home Equity Loan

Borrowing money is made easy with a Home Equity Loan because it allows you to present as a security your home equity.To get an idea of how much your equity is worth, simply take stock of the market value of your home and remove from it the cost of the mortgage you owe, or any attached loan.

Payments of some basic bills such as medicals, home renovation, or even education are taken care of by a Home Equity Loan.The borrower in this loan is able to put the equity in his home to good use by offering it as collateral in the place of the money he has borrowed.

Categories of Home Equity Loans are two:These Home Equity Loan types are the closed-end and open-end types.

Loans of the closed end home equity assortment are the common types of loans.The procedure has been nicknamed 'second mortgage'.

The full loan amount gets paid to the borrower at the closing of a closed end Home Equity Loan.Over a specified number of months, the borrower pays a specified amount of money back to the lender.

The condition is simply that at the end of a given time, the reimbursement must have been completed.More flexibility in paying back the loan is found in the open end Home Equity Loan.

The borrower does not get a lump sum of the credit in this case; rather he gets a line of credit.The borrower gets to decide how much loan his home equity will be standing in for.

It's only wise to do sufficient research on types and options of Home Equity Loans as you consider your choice.Some lenders would rather prefer you to be ignorant about loans so that they can sell you one that is impossible for you to pay back, so be on the look out for such.You should deal only with a lender you already know, or one recommended to you by a trusted friend.

A simple search on Wikipedia provides us with this informationFor other institutions, issuing of debt contracts such as bonds is a typical source of funding.


posted by - ReSh - @ 10:39 AM, ,

Comparing Short-Term and Long-Term Investments

There are a variety of different types of investments available today... there are short-term investments, long-term investments, and as many different investment strategies as there are investors. If you find yourself a bit overwhelmed by the prospect of investing and are unsure of whether you should invest in short-term or long-term plans, don't let yourself get bent out of shape.

By simply taking the time to compare the benefits and drawbacks of both short-term and long-term investments, you can determine which type is best for you and your current financial needs.

In addition to providing you with the drawbacks and advantages of short- and long-term investments, below you'll find other pertinent information that can assist you in making decisions about your finances... both for now, and in the future.

Short-Term vs. Long-Term: a Comparison

Obviously, there are differences between short-term and long-term investments. Short-term investments are designed to be made only for a little while, and hopefully show a significant yield, whereas long-term investments are designed to last for years, showing a slow but steady increase so that there is a significant yield at the end of the term.

Advantages of Short-Term Investments

The main advantages to short-term investments are the potential for fast growth and the fact that the term may only last a few weeks to a few months. Though there tends to be more fluctuation in many forms of short-term loans, these loans allow more control over your money and it usually isn't out of your possession for very long.

Disadvantages of Short-Term Investments

As mentioned above, short-term investments tend to be a bit riskier and show a much higher rate of fluctuation than their long-term counterparts. While there is a good chance that you'll make money with a short-term investment, there is also a chance that you'll lose money.

This is especially the case when dealing with the stock market, since many of the short-term investments made with stocks and bonds involve precision timing to sell when the stocks or bonds are at their peak just before they begin to drop.

Advantages of Long-Term Investments

Just the opposite of short-term investments, long-term investments have the ability to gain small amounts of money over a longer period of time. The slow-but-steady pace of long-term investments allow for a much greater degree of stability and a much lower risk than short-term investments.

They also are ideal for making your savings or retirement fund grow... the investments usually continue to grow over the years, maturing just as you need them.

Disadvantages of Long-Term Investments

Of course, the main disadvantage of long-term investments is that they increase in value slowly and can take years to mature.

For those individuals who need a high yield in a short period of time, long-term investments are definitely not the way to go... between the fees that are associated with some types of investment and the small fluctuations that any investment will experience, many long-term investments might actually go down in value before they begin to climb over time.

Additionally, with many of the long-term investments that you'll find, you tend to have much less control over your money until the investment matures... there are usually penalties or fines for early withdrawal or selling stocks and bonds through long-term investment programs


posted by - ReSh - @ 10:48 AM, ,

How to become a successful stock investor

The key to becoming a successful stock investor is to know the difference between a great investment and a bad investment. Many investors assume that great companies are great investments, but this is not always an accurate assessment. Sometimes, a wonderful business can make a lousy investment.

Most stock investors can be classified into two investment styles: value and growth. Value investors utilize an investment style that favors good companies at great prices over great companies at good prices. These investors use such valuation measures as price-to-book ratio, price-to-earnings ratio, and dividend yield to determine the attractiveness of an investment. Growth investors invest in companies that are growing their earnings and/or revenue faster than the industry or the overall stock market. These companies usually pay little or no dividends, instead preferring to use profits to finance future expansion and growth. Value investors prefer to own companies at good prices, and growth investors prefer to own great companies and price is a secondary issue.

Which style is better? It depends on the investor. Stock investors with a lower tolerance for risk should consider investing a larger portion of their portfolio in value stocks. Investors with a higher tolerance for risk should consider investing a larger portion of their portfolio in growth stocks. However, investors who want to avoid under performing the stock market as whole should always invest at least a small portion of their portfolio in both investment styles.

Over the long term, value has outperformed growth, but from time to time growth has outperformed during the short term.

Stock investors should be aware of the following:

1. The stock market rewards different styles at different times.

2. Value investors tend to be buy-and-hold investors, and growth investors tend to be more short-term oriented.

3. It is very difficult to determine which style will outperform in the short-term.

4. The variance between performance of value and growth styles can be very large during short time frames.

5. For some growth stocks, growth never does come. Eventually the share price falls.

6. Some value stocks are cheap for a reason - they are bad stocks and they deserve to be cheap.

Overall, the best investments are those companies that able to grow profits and add shareholder value. These companies have traditionally been value companies. Investors who prefer to select their own stocks should consider a value approach and complement these investments with a growth mutual fund. Remember that selecting the wrong growth company is not as forgiving as selecting a value company erroneously, as the market correction in growth stocks in early 2000 showed us.


posted by - ReSh - @ 10:27 AM, ,

Basic Investment Strategies

Are you ready to open your pathway to financial independence?

Well you should be, and the sooner the better, but, how do you get started investing?

There is so much to know about investing and the truth is it will take a lot of training and guidance in order to get the hang of it.

With our fast paced and ever changing economy, it can be hard to fit into the market with no experience. So the sooner you get started the sooner you will know what you are doing.

You can start anywhere, read books, websites, financial publications, magazines, attend courses, seminars etc. but no matter what you do, make sure you start as soon as possible.

This website have been designed to aid you in your quest for financial independence. Throughout these pages you will find hundreds of articles, tutorials & strategies that will help you learn about investing, and help you get things started down the right track.

Learn How To Invest & Create a Passive Income For Your Future!

If you’ve ever wondered how the rich get so obscenely rich, it’s not because it’s in their blood or because they attend the best schools. The reason is much simpler than that. You see, while you work hard for your money, rich people make their money work hard for them.

No one ever got rich from working for money. And yet, some people who seemingly do nothing more than work a regular nine-to-five job and earn a weekly paycheck, join the ranks of the super wealthy every single day. How do they do it? They’ve learned what the rich teach their kids ...

They have learned how to make money work for them, instead of them working for money. If no one has ever taught you how to do this, you can start right here. This site contains hundreds of articles related to every aspect of stock market and real estate investing.

Here’s a small sample of what you can learn ...

--How anyone can learn to invest in the stock market

--Understand the risks and possible rewards from investing in penny stocks

--How to plan your investments to support your retirement plans.

--Create multiple streams of income without working a second or a third job.

--How to become an apprentice to a real estate investor (triple your income while you learn).

--Discover the big winners of tomorrow before everyone else does.

--How to trade stocks online and avoid paying a high-priced broker.

--Why the right mutual fund can skyrocket your net worth and how to avoid the risks.

--Why municipal bonds are one of the safest investments on the planet and how to find the highest yields.

--How to develop a millionaire attitude that is critical to your financial success

--Are those stock investing newsletters and membership sites really worth anything

--Learn the truth about e-gold investing

--And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Start by exploring some of the great resources on this website. Each category runs several pages deep, so to get a feel what we offer, we suggest you browse the first page in each category before digging deeper.

And if you haven’t done so already, take advantage of our Beginner’s Guide to Investing E-Course. It’s absolutely free. Just type your name and email address in the box at the left, click “SUBMIT” and you’ll receive your first lesson in a flash. Don’t miss out on learning all the investment secrets of the rich.

Investment Techniques For Creating Passive Income

There are many wealth creation strategies and investment techniques available to those who are looking to create a passive income. These fall into three main categories. Running a business, investing in property and investing in the share market. Although there are many options in each of these areas, finding the right wealth creation strategy for you is not that hard.

The formula for Wealth Creation is relatively simple. In order to increase your wealth, you need to increase your wealth generating activities. Most of us start out trading our time, for money. We get paid an hourly rate for doing a certain job. The problem with this is that in order to increase your income, you usually need to increase the amount of hours you sell to your employer or clients. Which in turn reduces the amount of time you have to spend on yourself, your family and doing the things you enjoy.

In order to increase your quality of life, the only realistic strategy is to increase your income, and reduce the amount of hours you work. How do you do this you might ask? By using time tested wealth creation strategies and investment techniques to create and then increase your passive income.

Creating a Passive Income for Wealth Creation

Passive income is generated when you are making an income without having to work for it. For example if you own a business, that you have setup to run completely on its own, or if you own shares in a company that pays you annual dividends, or perhaps a piece of real estate that generates capital or rental returns.

All these investment techniques earn you passive income. because you are not limited by the amount of hours you can spend per day working on them. Instead of working for money, you now have money working for you. This is the true essence of any effective wealth creation strategy. Maximum return for minimum effort.

Before you go investing and time or money in any wealth creation strategy, it is best to fully research and understand each strategy before making a decision.


posted by - ReSh - @ 10:26 AM, ,

How Spammers Fool White lists - And How to Stop Them

Effectively stopping spam over the long-term requires much more than blocking individual IP addresses and creating rules based on keywords that spammers typically use. The increasing sophistication of spam tools coupled with the increasing number of spammers in the wild has created a hyper-evolution in the variety and volume of spam. The old ways of blocking the bad guys just don’t work anymore.

Examining spam and spam-blocking technology can illuminate how this evolution is taking place and what can be done to combat spam and reclaim e-mail as the efficient, effective communication tool it was intended to be.

One method used to combat spam is white listing. White lists are databases of trusted email sources. The list may contain specific email addresses, IP addresses or trusted domains. Emails received from a white listed source are allowed to pass through the system to the user’s email box. The list is built when users and email administrators manually add trusted sources to the white list. Once built, the catch-rate for spam can be close to 100%, however, white lists produce an inordinate number of false positives.

It is virtually impossible to produce an exhaustive list of all possible legitimate email senders because legitimate email can come from any number of sources. To get around this difficulty, some organizations have instituted a challenge-response methodology. When an unknown sender sends an email to a user’s account, the system automatically sends a challenge back to the sender. Some challenge-response systems require the sender to read and decipher an image containing letters and numbers. The image is designed to be unreadable by a machine, but easily recognizable by a human. Spammers would not spend the time required to go through a large number of challenge-response emails, so they drop the address and move on to those users who don’t use such a system.

White lists are only partially successful and impractical for many users. For example, problems can arise when users register for online newsletters, order products online or register for online services. If the user does not remember to add the new email source to their white list, or if the domain or IP address is entered incorrectly, the communication will fail. Additionally, white lists impose barriers to legitimate email communication and are viewed by some as just plain rude.

White lists are not widely used by email users and administrators as a primary tool to fight spam because of the high number of false positives, and the difficulties in creating a comprehensive list of email sources. Because white lists are not widely used, spammers typically do not develop countermeasures. As with other spam fighting techniques, white lists are most effective when used in conjunction with other anti-spam tools.

The Solution

When used individually, each anti-spam technique has been systematically overcome by spammers. Grandiose plans to rid the world of spam, such as charging a penny for each e-mail received or forcing servers to solve mathematical problems before delivering e-mail, have been proposed with few results. These schemes are not realistic and would require a large percentage of the population to adopt the same anti-spam method in order to be effective. You can learn more about the fight against spam by visiting our website at and downloading our whitepapers.


posted by - ReSh - @ 10:24 AM, ,

Six Tips to Get Rid of Spam Email

1. Ignore Spam Email
Do not open an unsolicited email. Spammers are just playing a numbers game. They simply send out like a million emails and hope that at least a third of them stick.

Spammers try to gather as many email addresses as they can. They don’t even know if any of the addresses are active. It is when you answer them that they know whether or not it is an active account that is checked often. 2. Do NOT Click On the Unsubscribe Links
It is natural for you to want to click on the link at the bottom of the email that promises that you can be taken off of their email list, but do not think for a second that this is what happens.

When you click on the “click here if you wish to stop receiving these emails” link, the spammers simply change the name that sends it to you. All you have proven is that you are indeed opening and reading emails.

3. Use Various Email Addresses
Since it is unavoidable to receive spam, set up a “dummy” email address. You would use this address when you register for newsletters, order products, enter contests, and register your new software.

You would like to avoid using you primary email address, or the email address that you receive from your ISP for things like that. This is the email that you would give your contacts or “safe people”.

4. Don’t Post Your Address
If you have a web site, avoid posting your email address in your “contact me” section.
Since spammers scan through web sites and look for the @ symbol, write your email address with the word “at” instead.

That makes it a bit more difficult for spammers to find your email address because they use special software that searches for the symbol, and not just the words.

5. Do Not Purchase from Spam
The absolute worst thing that you could do is buy something from spam. Just imagine how perfect the world would be if everyone gathered together to refuse to buy things that were offered in an unsolicited email. Spammers would be out of business the moment that they realized that they weren’t getting anywhere.

6. Beware of Free Trial Software
For every legitimate download, there are plenty that are designed to get your personal information, which will eventually lead you to more spam. This is particularly popular from free trial software as well as free software.

Spammers use this method in a similar manner as they would use a gift promotion and contest sign in. That is one of the most beneficial ways for spammers to get you on their hook.


posted by - ReSh - @ 8:02 AM, ,

7 Steps To Effectively Take Control Of Your Inbox And Reduce Spam

Everbody hates spam! I am sure spammers hate getting spam too, but they still continue to dish it out. Why? Because it is still effective. Believe it or not, many of us still click on the links or follow-up with the spam message. As long as we continue to do this, spam will exist. If everybody understood this and paid no attention to spam, the spammers will eventually give up because it costs them realy money to send out emails. It is hard to quantify what the cost of sending out one, two or fifty emails is, but 1 million or 5 million emails certainly has a cost that is not negligible. When the payback starts to get so small that the spammers cannot make a decent living, they will find something else to do. This day will come and I cannot wait for it to arrive.
In the meantime, what can we do about it. Well, I am not going to tell you that there is a perfect solution that will stop all spam, but what I will tell you is that there is a way to reduce the problem and manage it effectively using the 7 steps outlined below.

Step #1: Get Your Own Domain Name
Fighting spam effectively starts with getting your own domain name. For example if your name is Andy Williams, you would purchase a domain name called, which is of course already owned by the famous singer. This has some unique advantages over using an ISP given domain name or a webmail service such as Hotmail or Gmail. It also has some minor disadvantages. Let's examine these.

One major advantage is that you control the entire email address. You could create emails addresses like,, and so on. This is in stark contract to an ISP assigned name like If you wanted another one, you'd have to open up another account or pay extra for each additional ISP assigned address. If you ever decided to switch ISP's, you would lose that email address and have to start over using a new one, and inform everyone you communicated with about it - a very messy proposition.

Many get around this problem by getting a Hotmail, Yahoo Mail or Gmail account which you can access from anywhere as long as you have internet access. These types of email accounts definitely have a place in your email toolchest, but do not suffice as your primary personal email address. One reason is that you do not have access to your email messages and address books when you are not online, like during a long flight. Anotehr drawback is that they do not allow you to export the online address books making portability very tedious.

I prefer owning my own domain name which I call my permanent email address. I will always have this email address as long as I renew this domain name every year. The cost of registering a domain name varies from $4 to $8 per year for most common ones. This is a small price to pay for the advantages it brings you.

The one minor disadvantage of owning your own domain name is that you need to manage it yourself, or have someone do it for you. This in my opinion is far outweighed by the advantages mentioned above.

Step #2: Create Private Email Adresses
A private email address is one that nobody but your inner circle knows about. Every person that you give your personal email address to is someone that you trust and want to receive email from.

Setup one private email address for every person who is going to need to receive messages. This could be you and 5 other members of your family or 12 employees that work for you. This part is quite straightforward, you simply login to your email control panel and create new accounts for each email address that is going to be used to receive email.

Step #3: Create Public Email Addresses As Aliases
A public email address is generally known to the public. It can be specific like or generic like

A public email address is created as an email alias. An email alias is not a real email address, but an address that gets redirected to a real email address. For example, you setup as an alias that redirects to Whenever some sends an email to, it will end up in Mary's inbox. If you change receptionists, you simple modify the redirect for a very elegant solution. You can then publish this public email address on a website, in a brochure, on print advertising, business cards etc. without giving away your personal email address and without having to make much changes if Mary leaves and a new receptionist is hired. This is a huge benefit and maintains your privacy as well as those of others you have created email adresses for.

How does this help with spam, you ask? By using email aliases in a smart fashion, you could very easily shut down any spam that starts coming in. Let's examine how this can be done.

Step #4: Setup the Default or Catch-all Email Address
Your email control panel will have something called a "default address" or it is also sometimes called a "catch-all address". This is a valid email address that all unresolved emails go to. If you set this up to be your personal email address for example, then you will receive all emails that are addressed to "anything", this includes,, etc. Herein lies the secret to combat spam.

Step #5: Create Specific Named Public Email Addresses As And When Required
When you are forced to register on a website where you want to get some information from, you are usually asked for a valid email address. Well guess what, you now have an unlimited supply of valid email adresses. I usually use a specific format when registering at websites - it is "websitename" So if I am registering at a website called, I would use the address as my valid email address. When the site sends me an email, it gets redirected to my personal email or whatever the default or catch-all address is.

Step #6: Send Spam Back To Where It Came From, If Possible
Here comes the real bonus, if you subsequently start receiving spam addressed to none other than, you simple create an email alias for and redirect the email back to exactly where it came from, for example You will then never get another email from anyone using that email address ever again. This is cool and is my favourite part. Bear in mind that spammers usually send email from an address that is not their own, so if you see an address like, then you would redirect it somewhere else, for example a Hotmail address that you setup just for redirection purposes. Please exercise some discretion here because spammers often use the email addresses of real people and we don't want these innocent people getting redirected email.

Step #7: Be Diligent In The Ongoing Management Of Your Domain
If you do this diligently for each website where you register by identifying the website name, you will very quickly know which websites are selling email addresses and which ones honor their promise not to share your information. ALl this while, nobody by your personal inner circle knows your private email address.

A real-life example in my case: I use a specific email alias for my Paypal account which nobody but Paypal knows. I have never ever received spam on this address, but I have received hundreds of spam messages on other email aliases that I have created. All of these emails supposedly come from Paypal and address me as "Dear Valued Paypal Member" or something similar, warning me that my account is going to be closed or suspended unless I click on their link and update my credit card information.

I hope that I have given you some food for thought on how to manage the ever growing spam problem by protecting yourself by taking some initiative and getting your own domain name. The added benefit is that you now have a permanent email address no matter where you choose to live or which ISP you use to connect to the internet.


posted by - ReSh - @ 7:48 AM, ,

How To Avoid Spam Robots

Despite the fact that Federal legislation (the CANSPAM act) made it illegal, harvesting email addresses from the web using automated robots remains alive and well.

Spammers who need fresh email addresses release software spider programs that comb the Internet and suck email addresses off Web pages, guest books, and anywhere else you might post your email address.
Once they get your email address, spammers will trade it around like 5th graders with a new pack of Pokemon cards at recess and you can expect the avalanche of email to begin flooding your inbox.

In order to combat this still rampant practice of stealing email addresses from websites and sending people email they don't want, the following tips should help protect you.

** Break It Up **

Obviously the best way to avoid getting picked up by an email harvester is not to post your email anywhere on anyone's website (including your own).

If the only way someone can get your email is if you give it to them, that creates a similar situation to operating with an unlisted phone number.

If telemarketers can't get your phone number, they can't call.

If you must post your email address, post it in a way that a robot won't recognize it as an email address. Instead of posting YOURNAME@YOURDOMAIN.COM, you can put YOURNAME (AT) YOURDOMAIN.COM and then, in parenthesis, put (replace AT with @ to email me).

Though it seems like an extra step for legitimate email, you'll find it a very effective technique.

** Use An Image **

Currently, online spiders (ANY spider, including search engines) cannot read text that appears in a graphic or picture. If you must display an email address on a page, then do it by typing your email address into your favorite graphics program and saving the image as a .gif or .jpg. Then post the image onto your web page so people can see the email, but spiders cannot. This too creates an extra step for people because they must type in your email address, but it's an effective solution if you must display an email address on your own website.

** Use An Email Form **

Another way to cut down on spam originating from your own website is simply not to display an email at all.

Instead, allow customers and prospects to contact you through a form where they fill in fields, click a button, and your website emails you their message.

A note of caution: make sure the form script you use does not keep your email address visible in the form code.

If the form code contains the email address, spam robots can find it even though you don't see it on the page.

** Make It Hard To Guess **

Sometimes you'll get unsolicited email because a spammer guessed your email address.

It's not a far stretch to imagine that someone probably has the email, so spammers will do a "dictionary" attack on common usernames.

One way to defeat this is to place a "dot" (.) in your email address, such as The dot makes it virtually impossible for spammers to guess your email address.


posted by - ReSh - @ 7:47 AM, ,

All About Spam

Spam is annoying. Period. Why people would want to send all of us stupid messages about buying prescription drugs or getting some outrageously good mortgage rate is beyond me. Well, not really. uld be a cakewalk. Let's say one out of every 1,000 recipients falls for their ploy. Someone just got 1,000 new customers!

How in the heck did those spammers get your address in the first place? Well, they actually use a variety of techniques. They use programs called spambots to search the web and pick up any email addresses that could be listed on websites. They use what's called the "Dictionary" technique, where they take a well-known email extension (, for instance), and make up all kinds of possible user names to go with it. For example, with me they could try the usernames "kara", "kara1", "kara2" and so on, until they can confirm one of those connected to an extension is a valid email address. Kinda like going page by page through the dictionary.

Ever fill out a registration form on a website and find a little checkbox, probably near the bottom, asking if you want to receive additional information, newsletters, or something of that nature? Often the box is checked, and in order NOT to receive the info, you have to UNCHECK it (or else). Well if you miss those types of boxes on the wrong kinds of sites, your email addresses may be handed to spammers on a silver platter. Well, almost. Often a zillion email addresses are sold for next to nothing to spammers on CDs. (Couldn't you almost call those silver platters?)

Many internet service providers (those guys that keep you connected to the internet so you can send and receive email) use a variety of methods to block spam before it ever gets to you. Nevertheless, we all know that some spam inevitably gets through to our inboxes. That's when we need to take a proactive stance and install some sort of software to filter it out!


posted by - ReSh - @ 7:46 AM, ,

Need A Website? You Have 3 Options

When it comes to building a website, most individuals and small business owners think you either have to do it yourself or hire someone to do it. Web builder software is often the better option for this group by far.
Even if you're a seasoned web professional, you should know what web builder software can offer private individuals and small businesses. Designers regularly waste time fielding inquiries from small-time website owners who don't realize the time, effort, and therefore cost involved in making a website from scratch. Or your brain may be picked endlessly by a would-be developer. Recommending a good web builder program is a great way to help this group--you can even monetize these non-prospects by reselling web builder software or referring it as an affiliate.

The 3 Web Design Options

DIY (design it yourself), usually using software such as Dreamweaver or FrontPage. Pay someone else to design it.

Use a "website builder" that includes everything you need and builds the website based on a setup wizard that asks questions about your website goals.

Most people just stumble into one of these three options without really comparing. In fact, if someone is even considering whether to try to do it themselves, hire a pro, or use a website builder program, it's extremely likely they really do need to start with a website builder program. After all, with the small investment required by web builder software, you can easily decide to go the DIY or professional design route later. But the money and time spent on professional services or DIY cannot be un-spent.

If you don't have the web design skills that would lead you to make your own website without questioning, or the budget to hire a designer just as easily, your time, money and other resources are probably better spent on other aspects of your website--such as promoting it, planning it, or getting content for it.

Website Options Comparison: Cost

: Cost of software (Dreamweaver, the most popular, runs about $300) + many hours of your life--what is your time worth?

Web Designer: $500-$5000

Website Builder: $100-200 (if a software package); $15-40/month (if a subscription service) Make a Website


DIY: Depending on your skill level, a week to a few months.

Web Designer: A few weeks till completion (but little time on your part).

Website Builder: Five minutes to an hour (depending on how much you want to play with the options).

Graphic Design: Most people who build their own websites use graphic design templates, or at least ready-made graphics. But there's still the problem of how to bring the elements of the design together into an attractive whole.

Web Designer: If you want to be taken seriously, a graphic designer will go a long way. Still, many people manage to sabotage the designer's work with too many demands. Also, some designers are really programmers rather than graphic designers, and will use templates anyway. In the end, though, the biggest drawback is cost: graphic designers can do it better, but can you afford them?

Website Builder: The advantage of a website builder over DIY templates is that the builder will save you the time of coding the website to stitch all the parts together.


posted by - ReSh - @ 6:37 AM, ,

Graphic Design Using Color

Color is everywhere and conveys a message even if we don't realize it. While this message can vary by culture it pays to know what colors "say" in your own corner of the universe, and even what color means to your target market.

If you don't think that color speaks just complete this sentence, "red means ---- and green means ?" even a child will know what red means stop and green means go. If such simple ideas work for all of a given culture or market what could it mean to the graphic design of your website, brochure, or product if you know some of this information.First let's start with the basics. The color wheel. We've all seen it. The color wheel shows the basic colors, each wheel is different in how many shades of each color is shown, but they are essentially the same.

Color harmony, colors that go together well. These will be colors that are next door to each other on the color wheel. Such as blue and green. In reference to clothes these colors match each other. Instinctively most of us know which colors go together when we dress ourselves every morning.

Color complements, colors that set each other off, they complement each other. These are colors that are opposite on the color wheel. Such as blue and orange.

Color depth, colors can recede or jump forward. Remember that some colors seem to fall back such as blue, black, dark green, and brown. Other colors will seem to step forward such as white, yellow, red, and orange. This is why if you have a bright orange background it may seem to fight with any text or images that you place on it. The orange will always seem to move forward.

Now you have the basics so let's go further. Just because to colors go together or complement each other doesn't mean that yo necessarily want to use them on your project. I opened this article with the meaning of colors now here is an example, keep in mind this is one example from western culture.

Color Survey: what respondents said colors mean to them.

Happy = Yellow Inexpensive = Brown

Pure = White Powerful = Red (tomato)

Good Luck = green Dependable = Blue

Good tasting = Red (tomato) High Quality = Black

Dignity = Purple Nausea = Green

Technology = Silver Deity = White

Sexiness = Red (tomato) Bad Luck = Black

Mourning = Black Favorite color = Blue

Expensive = Gold Least favorite color = Orange

So in designing your project it's important to know what colors mean. You can now see why a black back ground with green type would be bad, beyond being nearly impossible to read, if your target market thinks that black represents mourning and green makes them sick. There are exceptions to every rule of course.

So you may want to include some research in what colors mean to your target market. Colors that would get the attention of a teen would probably annoy an older person and the colors that appeal to the older person wouldn't get a second look from a young person.

Color may be one of the most overlooked aspects of design.


posted by - ReSh - @ 6:36 AM, ,

5 Steps to Remove Spyware for Free

Have you ever tried to remove Spyware off your PC only to find out it never left or it came back? Tired of all those annoying Popups, Viruses, and Ads on your system day in and day out? Well, listen closely because the day has come to remove Spyware programs and Viruses - forever!

I will give you some very useful tricks and tips to remove Spyware and Viruses for good! Follow closely:
Steps to Remove Spyware, Viruses, and Adware

1. There are many types of software available today that claim to remove spyware off our system, but which one REALLY does the job? What you need is software that not only will remove spyware, but TOTALLY removes it for good and keeps it off. After searching for the best of the best, here is THE BEST: Panda Online Scan. Why? It does not constantly run on your system, slowing it down and using bunches of memory!
In other words, it runs from Panda on the web, then searches your whole system, will remove spyware and other bugs, then gives detailed info on the bug and tells you how to keep it off your system! Here is the address to get started: It only installs a few plug-ins to run on your system, and no full installation!

2. Check your system services and systray items! The biggest mistake people make is never checking what programs are running in the background or memory of the system. A key step to remove spyware from your system is knowing this. Without knowing these things, you probably have bugs running on your system, and never know it! Why? They like to hide! Download and install a program called HIJACK THIS. It tells you exactly what is running and what is not running so you know exactly what might be hiding behind closed doors! Here is the address for this:

3. Shutdown the SYSTEM RESTORE! (Windows XP) Spyware and Viruses attach themselves to your system's restore files. This is an easy way for them to hide, even after you reinstall Windows! Right click on 'MY COMPUTER', then click on 'Properties'. Look for a tab on top called 'System Restore', and click there. Check the box that says 'Turn off system restore on all drives'. Click 'APPLY', then 'OK'. That's it!

4. Use an Anonymous IP address when surfing the web! This is a huge step in keeping bugs off your system forever! Bugs get onto your system and retrieve info about you by capturing your IP address. Your IP address tells everyone who you are, where you're located, your system info, what kind of Windows you use, your browser, etc. An anonymous IP hides your IP by using an Anonymous address and makes you invisible to everyone, including Spyware and Ads! Here is an address to a good proxy list:

Please follow these instructions carefully for Microsoft Internet Explorer:

a) Scroll down on the page from the above link. On the list, look at the numbers listed under IP:Port Host name. Make sure the uptime on the right is at least 97 to 99 %.

b) Go to the Control Panel in Windows.

c) Open up ' Internet Options'.

d) Click on the 'Connections' tab on top.

e) Click on 'LAN Settings'.

f) Put a check-mark where it says PROXY SERVER.

g) In the Address box, copy and paste the IP address listed on the proxy list (for example: - These are the numbers shown BEFORE the ':' (semi-colon).

h) Copy and paste the port number into the PORT box (for example: '80' - the number immediately after the

i) Click OK, and OK again to close, and close everything.

j) Go ahead and open up your browser and try surfing the internet to test.

Thats it! You are now surfing invisibly!

For the Firefox browser:

a) Open up the browser and go to 'TOOLS' then 'OPTIONS'.

b) Go to 'GENERAL' on the left, then click the 'Connection Settings' button below.

c) Choose 'Manual' proxy config from the choices.

d) Check the 'use the same proxy' checkbox.

e) In the 'HTTP Proxy' box, copy and paste the anonymous IP, and the PORT number in the PORT box (remove the zero first).

f) Click OK, then OK again to close.

g) Now test your browser by surfing the web.

You are now invisible.

**note - if your browsing gets super slow or has a problem, look for another IP and Port number on the list and try again. Most of the time the proxies from Mexico work best.
Happy surfing! The free proxy list can be found here:

5. Download and install the new FIREFOX browser!

Please get rid of Microsoft Internet Explorer on your system! It is like a pipe that feeds Spyware, Ads and Viruses onto your system. There are just too many holes there letting everything in. Mozilla is a fairly new company that introduced a new breed of browser that blocks popups, and tries hard to keep these bugs off your system. It has very few or even NO holes or pipes to let the bugs in! Many people use it for this very reason, and it has a great look, better speed, and lets you change the theme of it! Awesome!

Well that about sums up how to remove spyware in 5 steps. Follow them CLOSELY and you will see how great it is to surf virus free Forever! Guaranteed!


posted by - ReSh - @ 5:23 AM, ,

Do You Know How To Remove Spyware From Your Computer?

Spyware is rapidly becoming a major problem for Internet users. It is estimated that 9 out of 10 computers are infected with spyware or ad ware or both. Spyware may be responsible for 50 % of all computer crashes. Spyware runs silently and you may not be aware that your every move on the Internet is being observed and recorded. If a user does not detect and remove spy ware from his computer, all his files may get infected and it may stop working. All his passwords, credit card numbers and other personal information may be stolen before he can realize what is going on. Once spyware has been removed, the computer will run much faster. It is worth while you to find and use the best spyware removal software available.

Features Of Good Spyware Removal Software A few features to consider, while searching for spyware removal software products, are:

* It should offer complete protection from spyware, key loggers, remote acess Trojans (RATS), browser hijackers and ad ware.
* A good spyware program will offer automatic updates, to provide protection from the latest spy ware threats.
* The spyware product should offer technical support, so you can call or e-mail someone, if you have a technical problem.
* A good customer service back up also shows that the manufacturer can be trusted to look after the needs of the customer in the long run.

How Does It Work?

It is very difficult to find and remove spyware software from a computer manually. Spyware protection software detects and removes spyware and ad ware from your computer automatically. It can also protect your computer from data thieves, hackers, malicious e-mail and other threats.

There are many free spyware protection software products available. These programs can be used to detect and remove spyware and adware that is already present in your computer. Many types of spyware, install themselves on your computer again, after you have deleted them.

Free spyware removal programs can help you to assess the problem. A permanent solution may be to get the best spyware solution product available.


posted by - ReSh - @ 5:21 AM, ,

Top 10 Ways To Protect Yourself From Computer Viruses

As more and more people are becoming comfortable using their computers at school, home or in the office it’s only a matter of time before they encounter a computer virus. Here are our top 10 steps to protect you from computer viruses.

Use a high quality anti-virus program. There are many different anti-virus computers programs on the market some of them are better than others. Look to reputable computer magazines or websites for ratings to help you find the one that matches your needs. Always use your anti-virus software. Make sure your anti-virus software is always turned on and scanning, incoming and outgoing email messages, and any software programs you run.

Keep your antivirus programs up to date. Most programs come with a yearly subscription make sure you take advantage of the updates. More advanced programs allow you to schedule updates or full system scans for “off hours” like 2AM when you aren’t likely to be using your computer.

Keep your computer up to date. From time to time operating systems fall victim to security holes or issue updates. Make sure you check periodically to make sure you are running stable up to date versions of your software.

Backup your data regularly. Most windows computer users keep their documents in the “My documents” folder. This makes it easy to back up all of your important documents. Make weekly or monthly copies to CD or USB drives.

If you use floppy disks or USB drives on public computers like your school computer lab, Kinko’s, or even digital photo printing store make sure you scan them for viruses. Public computers are notorious for not being up to date and properly protected.

Be wary of email attachments. Treat any email attachment as potentially dangerous. Never open attachments from people you weren’t expecting. Also be careful of attachments from people you know but weren’t expecting. Many computer viruses replicate themselves by reading the contacts from an infected computer.

Use text email if possible. While HTML email is prettier and allows you more control over formatting it also can carry computer viruses. If you use text based email the only way to get a virus is by opening an attachment.

Use downloaded freeware and shareware files or software with caution. Try to download them from popular reputable sources that scan the programs before they are uploaded. To make sure you are safe scan the program before you install it on your computer.

Be wary of links in IM or instant messaging software. Don’t accept invitations from people you don’t know and never click a link from someone you don’t trust, they can easily redirect you to another website that will try to install a virus on your computer system.


posted by - ReSh - @ 5:21 AM, ,

Why You Need To Clean Your Windows Registry?

Registry is the database where data of programs and windows is stored. Registry cleaner is software, used to run your computer faster and smoother. Registry cleaning is very important for a smooth running of your computer system. Whenever you delete a file form your system, the registry does not remove this data. Thus, a reference to the deleted file remains in the registry. Gradually as the registry gets filled up with these databases, the computer gets slower and slower in its functioning. If the registry is not cleaned up regularly, severe damage can be caused to your computer. A registry cleaner scans the windows and finds out the outdated and incorrect information stored in your computer’s registry. The software fixes this improper information enabling your system to be error free and run faster. The software is enabled with advanced features that make your computer run smoothly and efficiently. Registry cleaning makes your computer run very quickly and also safely.

There are many advantages for registry cleaning. Your computer will have a cleaned up registry and no information in the registry will be cluttered. You can regain the lost disk space and use this for installing new software. Registry cleaning will also block the installation of spyware and adware in your computer. If your computer was having any application errors, you can see that this has been fixed after you clean up your registry. Your system will be maintained as it was in its initial stages and you can also understand your computer much better.

If you do not clean up your computer’s registry timely, you can face different types of problem while using the computer. When you are in the midst of doing important work related activity, your computer can suddenly crash or the system can get stalled all of sudden. This can have damaging impact on your work. Timely cleaning up and fixing of the registry will prevent you from facing such crisis.

There are different kinds of registry cleaner available. You can use the best registry cleaner available in the market to maintain the registry of your computer. Keeping your PC clean is very important if you want it to run efficiently all the time. The registry cleaner software will help you in repairing some applications that are not working in your computer.

The software uses speed detection techniques to very quickly identify the missing and invalid reference from your windows registry. After identifying the problems, the software with the use of its advanced technology can easily clean your registry. After this your computer will start functioning, like a new PC. After installing the software you can customize its different options according to the requirements of your computer.

Many online sites provide registry cleaner software for its customers. Before you buy a registry cleaner, make sure that you are aware about its different features. This will help you in customizing the features of the software according to the needs of your computer.


posted by - ReSh - @ 5:19 AM, ,

Does Your PC Have Worms?

Worms aren't just for dogs anymore. Find out how to inoculate your computer against these nasty parasites. What Are Worms?

Worms are descended from viruses and are even nastier. Just as ever stronger doses of pesticide breed ever more resilient locusts, better and better anti-spyware software bred ever more devious viruses.

Finally, some virus designers stopped having their creations infect and take over files the way real viruses infect and take over cells. Instead, they created programs that could stand on their own and cause plenty of trouble without the help of any other software applications. Just worms are independent organisms that can infect a host directly, so do computer worms infect computers directly.

What Do Worms Do?

Worm designers are often even more sinister than virus designers, since worm designers are not just vandals. Worm designers often use their creations to achieve specific goals:

• Backdoor creation. Worms often try to set up another kind of malware, a backdoor. A backdoor is a hidden opening in your network connection that lets the worm send data out and take data in. Practically speaking, the data it's sending out are often spam emails, and the data it takes in are instructions on spam emails to send.

• Denial of service attack. Some worm designers really are vandals rather than profit-hungry con artists sending spam. But their vandalism can be more targeted. They use worms to send out numerous requests to remote computers, such as web servers, in order to overwhelm them and therefore shut them down. This is called a denial of service attack.

• Spyware, Trojan, adware, and virus installation. Worms are often used simply to unleash other forms of malware on a computer that might otherwise block them.

• Information theft and fraud.Worms can multitask in order to set up spyware that gathers sensitive information--often financial information--and then set up backdoors, Trojans, viruses, or dialers to disseminate the stolen data.

How Do Worms End Up on a PC?

Worms enter PCs just as viruses, spyware and other malware do: any way they can! Some favorite points of entry for worms:

• Websites can actually download software to your computer without you realizing it. This software includes not only worms, but also spyware, adware, viruses, and other malware. These malware programs find their way into websites either by the deliberate design of the site owner or because hackers have installed the software on the website's server.

• Peer-to-peer file-sharing networkscontain many nice-enough-looking files that are really worms. One of the sneakiest disguises is a filename that indicates the spyware is really a video of a beautiful actress.

• Email, the favored route of viruses, can still be exploited by Spyware. But since new email programs usually block the automatic opening of file attachments, this is less of a problem than it used to be.

• Any internet connection inevitably lets data flow both in and out, and so is vulnerable to attacks by worms.

How Do You Get Rid of Worms?

There's really only one good way to make sure your computer is rid of worms: scan it with multiple antivirus and anti-spyware programs using a full-system scan. Worms are tricky, so anything less than a full-system scan might let them escape. Worse, with new worms coming out all the time, some antivirus and anti-spyware packages may not even know about a new worm until after its wreaking havoc on your machine. That's why you should try using more than one antivirus program and more than one anti-spyware program to increase your odds of successfully detecting the malware.

Don't have more than one anti-spyware and antivirus software? You'd better start downloading. After all, worms won't take excuses.


posted by - ReSh - @ 5:18 AM, ,

Data Recovery - What Not to Do!

Data recovery is a tricky thing, and if you've somehow deleted or had your important files corrupted or lost due to human error, business espionage, faulty hardware or software or any other reason; the good news is that your lost data is probably recoverable. This article will show you a few things NOT to do when an event such as this occurs.Don't run the drive anymore, or use the device. (MP3, portable storage, camera card, whatever) If you think it won't hurt to even just poke around the internet for a solution to this mess you've made/found, you're wrong! Don't install or run anything on the drive you hope to recover data from. Only access this drive again from a healthy PC with the software solution you're going to use. Since files are overwritten in the order they've been deleted, the last files that have been excised from your drive will be the first to be lost permanently. Even just surfing, with all the cookies and temporary internet files that are always being generated will often doom the process without you even knowing about it.

Don't use tools that may reside on your computer, such as Scandisk, or a boot record utility, as these will probably overwrite exactly the files you're seeking to get back.

In short, be careful! Your data may very well be recoverable, as long as you don't do something to erase it forever! Find a good data recovery software solution, and then follow the instructions to the letter, and you'll more than likely live to see your lost data return!


posted by - ReSh - @ 5:18 AM, ,

Spyware Protection - The Only Way To Safeguard Your Personal Information Online

The Problem:

Are you bombarded with popup ads? Seeing new toolbars in your browser? Does your home page change to unwanted/unknown destinations? Bombarded with irritating spam? Perhaps strange software loads when you first start your computer, or your favorites file may have new entries that you don't recognize and don't want. If this is happening to you, your PC (Personal Computer) is most likely infected with adware spyware, spybot spyware, trojan viruses or other harmful internet parasites. What Is Happening?

Your privacy is being seriously invaded. These programs have the ability to track your Internet usage habits and even steal such personal information as bank account numbers and passwords. If you are like me, this is scary, isn't it? But there's more...spyware even has the power to install even more parasites on your computer without your knowledge and without your consent. Everything you do and everything you type can be recorded without your knowledge and without your consent. Using spyware, companies can find out what your interests are and even track your purchasing habits. Hackers can and sometimes will access your PC and do anything they wish. Unscrupulous individuals can even steal your identity (you've heard of identity theft, haven't you?) and you would never be the wiser, at least until it is too late (this would be when the bill collectors, or even the police, start calling you!).

To Determine If You Are At Risk, Ask Yourself These 3 Questions:

1. Have I downloaded files, documents or free mp3 music online?
2. Has my computer suddenly started getting annoying ads popping up on the screen?
3. Have I suddenly noticed that my computer is running extremely slow?

What Is The Solution?

There is only one solution to this problem and that is to protect yourself and your privacy with a Spyware protection solution. Spyware protection software helps you to completely clean your computer of invasive threats. As a result, your computer will be clean and its performance will be better. Simply put, it will run a lot faster. Additionally, you will have protected your privacy - personal information, financial data, and your financial security will be protected. In the information age, where having just one piece of your personal information can ruin your life, protecting your personal privacy while online is of the utmost importance.


posted by - ReSh - @ 5:14 AM, ,

Learn How Is Your Internet Privacy Is At Risk

Minimizing the risks related to the Internet security is of primary concern for any online business site. Internet security is very important and must be guarded severely at all costs. Minimizing the risks related to online security will ensure that you will be able to attract many customers to your online sites. Many security measures can be installed in an online site for lessening the risk of Internet security.
If the customers are not sure about the security of their personal details and financial statements, they will never conduct online business. Internet privacy security is very important for any online business site.

Internet privacy is at risk due to the presence of different elements. The presence of spyware is one factor of risk for Internet privacy security. The spyware that is present in your computer can track your online behavior. Spyware software is enabled with the advanced features that allow the spyware manufacturers to surreptitiously track the actions of a computer user. The information gathered through this process can be used to commit frauds and other illegal activities.

The cookies that are deposited in your computer when you visit different sites can also pose a risk to your Internet privacy security. Cookies are data that is sent from a website to be stored in your computer. The cookies of the different websites can be used to track the user’s activities for a particular span of time. If the information falls into wrong hands many illegal activities can take place as a result. With the advancement in technology, it is very natural to be worried about online privacy and security.

A person with a criminal intention is always on the look out for ways and means to invade Internet privacy security of the people. If he can get information about a person’s bank details and other personal details, he can misuse them. The person can assume your identity online and deal with your bank or other agencies in your capacity. The victim may be completely unaware about the fraud that is taking place in his name. This can lead to the huge losses to the person whose privacy has been invaded.

You will have to adopt various means to safe guard your Internet privacy security. Installing a spyware in your computer can be one option for you to safe guard your privacy. The software will efficiently remove all traces of the presence of any kind of spyware from your computer. If it is difficult to remove all spyware installed in your computer, seek online advice on the manual removal of such spyware.

Imagine yourself in a situation where someone else is able to monitor every move that you make. This is a terrifying situation to face. The best way for you to escape such a situation is to install the best security features in your computer. You will then be able to surf online peacefully without constantly worrying about your Internet privacy security.


posted by - ReSh - @ 4:55 AM, ,

Marketing Your Business

The way we do business is changing rapidly. From VOIP, video conferencing, email support, telephone answering services, and the almighty internet. As a business owner we are faced with hundreds of decisions our parents and grandparents never had to contend with.

Some of you keep hearing from other business associates that internet marketing is the greatest method of increasing business and building a foundation for customer support. The only problem is, you've just learned how to send emails to people! Never mind learning about SEO, web design strategies, content analysis, pay per click, ROI, etc! Do you hire an SEO company or do you learn yourself?

Investing time into your company is what we business owners do best but, in many cases, when it comes to learning new methods we quickly open our wallets to anyone out there who seems like the right person to help with your situation. This is the worst possible decision you can make.

Diving into the internet marketing community with your wallet open will result in a disaster if you aren't properly trained on how to spend your money wisely. The key is not to hire an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) company to take your money and promote your business behind your back. Try finding someone who offers you their "training services" in order to train yourself or someone within your organization to learn more about what is required online, how much effort it entails, and what pitfalls to avoid.

As a business owner, if you blindly search online and pick a company, you have no idea what you could be getting yourself into. There are no secrets to promoting your business online, only a lot of hard work. That being said, anyone with a computer can easily learn how to get their company high search engine rankings. Search engines don't look to see whether or not you're running a scam. No, they are concentrated on delivering relevant results for your search terms.

Old Fashioned Marketing Tactics:

In the old days (and still practiced today), business owners would devise their own marketing plan through print media, business cards, postcards, flyers, brochures, newspapers, magazines, TV ads, and radio ads. By doing this, the company could track their results by trial and error and really find out what truly works for their industry.

Old fashioned marketing is a simple trial and error process. So is the internet. Unfortunately, all too many business owners don't have a clue how to start their own internet marketing process and they fail to even put their foot in the water. Instead, many business owners simply hire anyone they can find that seems reputable and then turn a blind eye and say; "Here's my budget, you are the professional, you tell me what to do". This is simply preposterous. You've worked so hard to get to where you are now by learning and adapting and as soon as it comes to marketing your business online, you simply shut down.

I hope that this article has awoken some of you. Don't be afraid to dive into the internet's vast realm of marketing potential. So what if you fail the first time around. When we started out, we had no idea what we were doing, 3 years later our website ranks higher than many other internet marketing companies world wide.

The ULTIMATE secret to internet marketing is simple...

A concept I call "T.I.M.E."

T - Try and try again
I - Internet changes all the time
M - Marketing opportunities are around every corner
E - Eventually you too can succeed

Think of it this way (Illustration only)

Here is a timeline of your internet marketing campaign:

Start date - Research only: June 7th, 2005
Hired a website designer - August 31st, 2005
Website Complete - October 15th, 2005
Website launch - October 20th, 2005

Started an internet marketing campaign - November 1st, 2005
Started a Pay Per Click campaign - November 10th, 2005
Made a sale - November 15th, 2005

Increased our website’s link popularity - January 1st, 2006
Website gets hit by the Google Sandbox Effect - January 20th, 2006
Increased our Pay Per Click campaign - February 5th, 2006

Made some changes to the website - February 21st, 2006
Increase the website’s link popularity - February 28th, 2006
Got listed in the Yahoo directory - March 3rd, 2006

So here you are 10 months out of the gate and your website may still be "locked in the Google sandbox" ( Search for "Google Sandbox" in Google for an explanation). Your link popularity is just starting to grow a little bit. Hopefully you haven't tried to link to everyone you can find and are actually linking to companies that are directly related to your business. Your PPC campaign is doing good. People are finally starting to come through Yahoo & MSN search results. You can sometimes find your company in the 200th spot within search results in Google and you are now wondering why this is taking so long.

Welcome to the world of marketing your company on the internet!!!

This timeline representation from above is just something to show you how "T.I.M.E." is the key of success on the internet and all we are required to do is keep plugging away and keep learning more every chance we get.

For most people who simply open up their wallets, they would have learned nothing in those 10 months and for everyone else starting an internet marketing campaign, those who didn't simply just open their wallets, their websites are probably 10 times further than yours!

In Conclusion:

Learn more about how to increase your marketing campaign on the internet. If you have to, hire someone in-house who can learn for you and give you updates on everything. If you truly need to hire an SEO company make sure it's for the right reasons like "starting and finishing a marketing campaign with you learning in the process", or "enhancing a campaign that is already in place", or "to revise your website’s conversion rate" or "create a impactful key word optimization campaign", etc. Take your time and use "T.I.M.E." to increase your business slowly but effectively on the internet.

I hope you've enjoyed this article!


posted by - ReSh - @ 4:08 AM, ,