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Its All About Money Making and Tips With Some Tricks

22 Practical Ways to Promote Your Product/Service

This article describes methods you need to set up a LIFETIME MONTHLY INCOME! with your own .ws website, integrated marketing system, business cards, promotional movie, one of the top recruiting groups with active sponsors who will help you build your business, dedicated forum to share ideas and successes and an ingenious marketing system that works! 1. You should build trust which is the foundation of selling.

2. Maintain your focus - do not waste time, energy or money trying to promote multiple programs.

3. Use business cards with web address and contact information.

4. Do not act as a PhD in your program - let the website, promotion movie or info call do the talking.

5. When contacting prospects, less is better - do not overwhelm your prospects.

6. Ask questions of your prospects - the power is with the questionner, not the information giver.

7. Look at business opportunity ads in your local newspapers/ magazines and ring up the advertiser offering your product/program.

8. Use the "invite" system on your program's website to invite friends, family and business colleagues to join your program.

9. Make an initial personal contact with your
prospect by phone - it will pay off in the end.

10. Write articles about your product/service and submit to ezines and article directories.

11. Start your own blog on the topic of your product or service. Get a free blog plus hosting with Google.

12. Clean and rationalize your mailing list(s).

13. Review your online marketing strategies.

14. Research your target market more thoroughly.

15. Expand your offline marketing activity.

16. Reorient your marketing text to the season's themes.

17. Increase your participation in forums and conference calls.

18. Distribute your business cards/brochures while you are away in another location.

19. Implement or refine your ad tracking.

20. Explore ways to achieve leverage amongst your online programs.

21. Investigate potential joint ventures.

22. Catch up on those eBooks you have been meaning to read.


posted by - ReSh - @ 4:06 AM,


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