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Easy WayTo Get Search Engines TOP Rankings

Search engines are still an awesome way to build traffic to your site without having to spend our money. One of the biggest myth in the web is that you can get search engines top rankings easily.

You probably heard of this statement before. Believe it or not! You and me together are going to break this myth!
Yes, we are going to join the coveted TOP 20 rankings ...the Easy way! Please, let me explain how this could be possible...
Back to The Basics: All in all, there are only 3 ways in order to get top rankings:
Method #1: Hire complete SEO solutions to increase your rankings:

The downside is that search engines change their formats and algorithms monthly. So you have to pay your "experts" team $2000
every time you want to maintain your positions. Otherwise your ranking will drop down the list as quickly as it appeared! It is clear that only $Million companies can afford that method.

Method #2: Own the search engine:

Developing a great search engine is beyond the scope of mere mortals: Who has the time to collect URLs to as many web pages and index each page. Not to mention the big money you have to shell out to hire the programmers to build the code.

Why would you waste a bunch of your time and money for almost nothing? ...while you can do much better, much easier...

Method #3: Pick highly profitable keywords and put them into your website:

"If you are the only one to come up with a specific keyword then you will be ranked #1 for that keyword". Period. Guaranteed!
- No questions asked!
Please read the previous sentence once again...
"If you are the only one to come up with a specific keyword then you will be ranked #1 for that keyword."
It does make sense! Doesn't it?
The key to win the search engines game is to find out 'the profitable keywords'.

What Are 'Profitable' Keywords?

You definitely know that you have to struggle against hundreds or even thousands of competitors in order to get listed higher in search engines. This is because you share the same keywords in your website with your competitors.

Yes. The competition is so tough that you are unfortunately wasting your precious time for almost nothing. And it get even worse... 65% of the keywords you have picked out and you are actively struggling for are NOT searched by your prospective audience!

Who cares if you are ranked #1 for a keyword that no visitor requests!

The Only Easy Way to Get Search Engine Top Rankings...

There are extremely 'profitable keywords' that work like crazy. A highly 'profitable keyword' is simply a keyterm that

visitors type very often on the search engines boxes BUT no webmaster (...or very few) include in their website.

In other words, these 'profitable keywords' are a real bargain.

Because you get 3 tremendous benefits when you find them out:

1. You become the exclusive offer for a huge and unsatisfied demand.

2. There is almost no competition over these keywords.

3. Getting top rankings for these keywords is very easy!

If you could find out which of your keywords was bringing in the most visitors (and ultimately sales) for you, wouldn't it make sense to put more effort into promoting that keyword?

How to Come up with Highly Profitable Keywords?

The short answer is: 'Think of your visitor!'

Here are 3 tips to find out quite good keywords:

1. Make sure to use words that your prospects would type in the search engine's box, not words that the common reason would suggest. For example, "money maker machine" may be preferable to "lucrative affiliate program".

2. Use specific key phrases rather than simple keywords. The more you narrow your market the more targeted visitors you will get. For example, use "buy cookbook online" rather than "ebooks".

3. Use the Overture Search Term Suggestion Tool which will show you how many times that term was searched on last month. This will give you a good idea on the demand status.


posted by - ReSh - @ 3:38 AM,


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